Drug Cultivation and Manufacturing Charges

California prohibits any manufacturing or cultivation of drugs and narcotics. Examples of manufacturing and cultivation include:

  • Growing marijuana
  • Operating a “meth” lab
  • Mixing chemicals used in making narcotics

Penalties for Drug Cultivation and Manufacturing

The penalties for drug cultivation and manufacturing charges depend on the substance and the quantity found.

For marijuana cultivation:

  • Less than 50 plants, regardless of weight, will receive a maximum of 5 years in prison.
  • For 100 or more plants, regardless of weight, will receive a minimum of 5 years in prison.
  • For  1,000 or more plants, regardless of weight, will receive a minimum of 10 years in prison.

Drug and narcotic manufacturing is a felony punishable by up to seven years in prison. There are several enhancements to drug manufacturing that can add to the sentence:

  • Children are present at the location
  • History of drug-related activity
  • Manufacturing large quantities
  • Someone is severely injured or dies while manufacturing