Description: Dr. Toulu Thao was arrested at gunpoint by five U.S. Marshalls at his office, the Fresno Office of the Department of Housing and Urban Development. He was the first person ever to be prosecuted for allegedly filling out a government ethics form incorrectly. The government conducted a five-year investigation that resulted in nearly 9000 pages of reports and documents. My office was able to establish that each of the charges against Dr. Thao were false, and that Dr. Thao actually filled out the ethics form perfectly. On July 8, 2009, all charges against Dr. Thao were dismissed. Dr. Thao returned to work at HUD on July 13, 2009. He will be filing a federal lawsuit against HUD in the near future to recover three and a half years of back pay and other damages. See his client evaluation of my office, located on this website.
Outcome: The entire federal case was dismissed.