New Rules for COVID-19
What has changed?
Under the “Blueprint for a Safer Economy,” Valley counties will continue to face some of the most stringent coronavirus business restrictions in the state, at least for now. The new tiers include revised criteria for when different business sectors can reopen in individual counties, as well as the conditions under which particular businesses can operate.
Hair salons and barbershops, which have only been allowed to operate outdoors in Fresno County will be allowed to reopen indoors again on 8/31 under a new color-coded set of risk tiers unveiled 8/29 by Governor Gavin Newsom.
Fresno, Kings, Madera, Merced and Tulare counties, which have been on a state “monitoring list” that is being phased out, are among 38 California counties that fall under the purple tier, called “Tier 1,” that denotes areas that experience more than seven new COVID-19 cases daily per 100,000 residents and more than 8% of residents tested having results come back positive for the infection.
What are the tiers?
In Fresno County, the current case rate is 16.1 new cases daily per 100,000 residents, more than double the state’s criteria for Tier 1, and the testing positivity rate is 11%, also well above the 8% threshold.
Newsom, announcing the new tier system, noted that about 87% of the state’s residents reside in counties in purple Tier 1.
Tier 2, red, for counties with substantial spread of the virus.
Tier 3, orange, for counties with moderate spread.
Tier 4, yellow, for counties with minimal spread.
Newsom noted that there is no “green” tier because a complete return to pre-pandemic conditions is not foreseen at this point.
Previously on July 1, 2020 Newsom declared California shut down for a second time.